Protection Against New Covid-19 Variants Spread

With the increase of unlinked community cases in Singapore, tighten measures will take place from 16 May 2021 to 13 June 2021 to remove “the most high risk settings”. Many experts have warned that the new strains are more transmissible with evidence that they can spread through aerosolised particles1 and now takes less virus to be infected2.
Below are some things we can actively do to protect our families and curb the spread of New Covid-19 Variants:

- Wearing a mask with Higher Filtration Capability
As studies have shown that the spread can now happen with aerosolised particles, Choose a mask with at least 95% bacterial filtration efficiency (BPE)3. Choose a single use surgical mask or re-usable mask with at least 2 or 3 layers of face mask and preferably made of different fabric. This should include an outer layer that is water-repellent, a middle layer to filter particulates, which can be disposable filter inserts, and an absorbent inner layer to absorb droplets from the wearer’s mouth.
To help guide us. Health Sciences Authority have issued a list of Surgical Masks Manufactured by HSA-licensed Local Licensed Manufacturers and can be found in the link here. For the updated guidance on use of mask click here, and here for FAQs on the use of mask.

2. Good Hand Hygiene
Hand washing is still the first line of defence in the fight against COVID-19. Experts have said that it is good practice to wash hands after touching any kind of surface, even if they appear to be clean4. Remember to keep hands dry after washing, as microbes grow better in a wet environment, in order to avoid cross-contamination, avoid touching the face even after washing your hands. It is also important to wash your hands with soap after you returned home from public areas and before every meal.
If you do not have access to wash your hands with soap and water, you can use a hand sanitizer to clean your hands if your hands are not visibly soiled, and until you have access to a hand washing facility with soap and water. Reminder to apply the hand sanitizer onto the palm of one hand and rub the product all over the surfaces of both your hands and wrists until your hands are dry. Click here for tips on the different active ingredients in hand sanitizers and how to choose a suitable hand sanitizer for you and your family.
Choosing a suitable hand soap is essential we wash our hands more regularly to curb virus spread and protect ourselves and our family.
How to thoroughly wash our hands:
